Partenariat entre Labgroup et Archive 17 pour la diffusion de la méthode Arcateg™ (archivage par catégorie).

Labgroup, tiers de confiance et archiveur depuis 40 ans, étant un expert dans la gouvernance de l’information qui accompagne ses clients dans leur gestion du cycle de vie des informations (Information Lifecycle Management), intègre désormais la démarche Arcateg™ dans son offre de services. C’est tout naturellement que Labgroup est devenu partenaire de Madame Marie-Anne Chabin, expert reconnu au niveau international pour l’archivage et la gestion de l’information numérique, et créatrice de la méthode Arcateg™.

Cette méthodologie originale et efficace permet d’accélérer et de consolider les règles de gestion de l’information et leur mise en œuvre. Les 100 catégories universelles du cadre de classement Arcateg™ couvrent toutes les valeurs possibles de l’information sur tous supports et facilitent ainsi l’audit et la qualification des informations à risque dans l’entreprise. Ces catégories de conservation permettent de structurer de façon rigoureuse et pérenne le pilotage du cycle de vie des documents et des données.

Avec Arcateg™, vous pouvez à la fois simplifier et renforcer la gouvernance de l’information dans au sein de l’organisation (cycle de vie des dossiers et des fichiers, sécurité des données, accès aux contenus). Vous pouvez aussi décliner l’utilisation du référentiel Arcateg™ selon divers projets spécifiques : amélioration de l’archivage physique, qualité et complétude des règles de conservation, repérage des données à caractère personnel et conformité au RGPD.

La méthode Arcateg™ complète parfaitement la panoplie des services que Labgroup proposent, et enrichit le service de consultance. Les consultants Labgroup ont été formés à la méthode et sont disponibles pour vous aider à l’utiliser pour optimiser la gestion et l’archivage de votre patrimoine informationnel.

Labgroup dans Solutions Magazine- juillet 2017

Découvrez l’article sur l’archivage électronique dans le magazine Solutions – Digital Energy, édition juillet 2017

Archivage électronique légal : respectez la nouvelle loi belge et tirez parti des avancées de la loi luxembourgeoise, en confiant vos documents légaux à Labgroup, premier opérateur certifié PSDC par le Gouvernement luxembourgeois.

Deux ans après l’adoption du règlement européen eIDAS (Electronic Identification and electronic Trust Services) et quelques jours après  son entrée en application, le législateur belge a assumé ses responsabilités en votant la loi du 21 juillet 2016 qui le met en œuvre et le complète.

Le texte européen laissait des marges de manœuvres qui ont été exploitées par la loi belge, qui consacre des dispositions visant à parfaire un cadre juridique cohérent pour la digitalisation des documents papier, la signature électronique ainsi que l’horodatage des documents, leur transmission par voie de recommandé  électronique, et, leur conservation intègre à long terme.

Présomption de conformité

Au Luxembourg aussi, le législateur a anticipé la transformation digitale. La loi du 25 juillet 2015 relative à l’archivage électronique se veut avant-gardiste dans le sens où elle reconnaît la présomption de conformité aux copies électroniques de documents papier produites par un « PSDC » certifié (Prestataire de Services de Dématérialisation et/ou de Conservation). Sous condition bien entendu, que soient strictement respecté un ensemble d’exigences méthodologiques et techniques garantissant la fidélité de ladite copie à l’original papier ; ainsi que sa non-altération dans le temps.

En présumant que la preuve numérique est aussi valide qu’une preuve écrite en cas d’un litige, la présomption de conformité renverse la charge. C’est à la partie adverse de chercher la faille… et plus à l’entreprise qui a exploité les nouvelles technologies de démontrer leur juste utilisation. Par ailleurs, la loi luxembourgeoise précise les conditions de certification :

– en tant que prestataire de service de dématérialisation (PSDC-D) d’une organisation qui veut scanner des documents avant de les détruire,

– en tant que prestataire de service de conservation (PSDC-C) d’une organisation qui veut assurer l’archivage à valeur probante des images scannées et des documents nativement électroniques.

Un PSDC-C peut être assimilé à une banque qui stocke de l’information -des bits et bytes. Et, comme dans une banque, les dépôts chez le prestataire certifié sont garantis par l’État luxembourgeois. Ce qui signifie, pour les clients, la disponibilité de leurs informations en toute circonstance, et donc, la possibilité de les récupérer même en cas de défaillance de la « banque ». La réversibilité et la lisibilité sont également assurées, via l’utilisation de formats de fichiers « ouverts », autrement dit non-propriétaires. Comme une banque, la stabilité financière du PSDC est contrôlée par l’autorité de surveillance du secteur financier. Et c’est une administration, en l’occurrence l’ILNAS (Institut Luxembourgeois de la Normalisation, de l’Accréditation, de la Sécurité et qualité des produits et services) qui veille, entre 2 audits annuels, à la bonne application du référentiel de pratiques PSDC. En résumé, le statut PSDC propose un niveau de sécurité inédit !

Labgroup, premier certifié PSDC

Le 1er février 2017, Lab Luxembourg S.A. (Labgroup) devenait le premier PSDC certifié, aussi bien pour la dématérialisation que pour la conservation. C’est donc en toute sécurité -avec la garantie de l’État luxembourgeois- que les détenteurs d’informations de tous pays peuvent donc confier à Labgroup tant leurs opérations de dématérialisation que de conservation.

De tous pays… mais en particulier les entreprises et organisations belges, pour lesquelles la combinaison du droit national avec les législations luxembourgeoise et européennes offre un indéniable avantage en termes de sécurité juridique et de sécurité de l’information.

Certes, la présomption de conformité automatique ne vaudra que dans une situation soumise à la loi luxembourgeoise. Toutefois, on peut penser que les magistrats étrangers seront enclins à reconnaître la fiabilité d’un dispositif certifié dans un pays européen sur la base de critères normatifs mondialement reconnus. En effet, les règles et les exigences auxquelles Labgroup doit se conformer en tant que PSDC, sont au moins équivalentes celles instaurées par les textes de la loi belge du 21 juillet 2016, plus connue sous la désignation de Digital Act, et du décret français du 5 décembre 2016 relatif à la fiabilité des copies et pris pour l’application de l’article 1379 du code civil.


Pour consulter l’article complet :


Lab Luxembourg SA (Labgroup) is the first PSDC to be certified in Luxembourg

Lab Luxembourg SA (Labgroup) is the first PSDC to be certified in Luxembourg

At a press conference held at the Ministry of the Economy on Wednesday 1st of February, Étienne SCHNEIDER, Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of the Economy, Jean-Marie REIFF, Director of ILNAS (Luxembourg Institute for Standardisation, Accreditation, Security and Quality for Products and Services) and Bernard MOREAU, CEO of Labgroup, marked the start of Archiving 2.0.

Indeed, the certification of the first PSDC (Provider of Digitisation and Conservation Services), concretises the implementation of the law of the 25th of July 2015 on electronic archiving, and the establishment of the digital trust chain, which extends from the European Union to the holder of information, through the Luxembourg State and the third-party archiver.

PSDC certification, a long-standing work

As a third-party archiver for 40 years in Luxembourg, Labgroup had to prepare itself for the future by initiating its digital transformation in the early years of the 21st century. The strategy aimed to be the leading edge in the evolution towards a paperless society (or, in the medium term, with less paper). In parallel with investing in a state-of-the-art, highly protected storage and archiving infrastructure, Labgroup has developed a comprehensive and continuously improved Information Security Management System (ISMS).

These efforts to control risks were rewarded in 2014 by obtaining the ISO 27001 international certification (already a first for an archiver in Luxembourg), in terms of information security management covering all related activities (digitisation, physical and electronic archiving). With this first step achieved, it remained to obtain the new status of PSDC, created by the law of 25th July 2015 on electronic archiving.

Pierre Dewez, CEO – PECB Europe, Etienne Schneider – Minister of the Economy, Bernard Moreau, CEO – Labgroup, Jean-Marie REIFF, Director – ILNAS

As the first candidate, Labgroup was logically the first company whose processes and procedures conformed to the requirements of the PSDC standard, Labgroup was audited in November 2016. Following the positive verdict of the certifying body, ILNAS placed Labgroup on the list of legal persons with the status of PSDC under the number 2016/9/001 and implemented immediate supervision for which the institute is responsible.

Note that Labgroup is certified as:

  • Provider of Digitisation Services, in other words, Labgroup is empowered to create legal electronic copies of paper documents;
  • Provider of Conservation Services, which guarantees the integrity, confidentiality and persistence of electronic archives throughout their retention period.

This achievement, on the 40th year anniversary of the company’s creation, marks the beginning of a new era of growth for Labgroup!

Legal archiving, a trusted service.

Whether as a consumer or a company, we archive information to be able to (well) defend our own interests in the future, for example, our health in the case of medical data.

Since three millennia, the archiving of the writings is inseparable from its paper support. However, technological advances now make it possible to perform native electronic records, such as purchasing on an e-commerce site, and to dematerialise paper documents, such as signed contracts in a handwritten manner.

The legislator has considered these advances by creating a legal framework that anticipates and supports the irresistible digitisation of our society. The law of 25th of July 2015 on electronic archiving therefore recognises the probative value of electronic copies of paper documents produced by a PSDC certified company to respect all the conditions of strict fidelity to the original and, moreover, the presumption of conformity with the original.

It is therefore with confidence, with the guarantee of the state, that the holders of information can now choose between:

  • continuing to outsource their paper records with Labgroup, or
  • requesting Labgroup to digitise their paper archives, then destroy them and only keep the electronic copies.

In either case, Labgroup will proceed as required by the law and as schematised here below.

In order to strengthen citizens’ digital trust, the law stipulates that PSDC’s must provide its clients with a well-documented prior information package before the signing of any service contract. This documentation must be kept available by Labgroup.

Electronic archiving, an opportunity for Luxembourg

At European level, the eIDAS (Electronic Identification and Trust Services) regulation 910/2014, which has been fully implemented since the 1st of July 2016, has clearly demonstrated the willingness of member states to democratise digitisation by:

  • enhancing the security of electronic exchanges;
  • recognizing the universal value of the electronic signature;
  • granting the legal value to a digital document.

While Luxembourg has been a precursor with this new law, other countries have also embarked on the path of digital transformation by introducing an attractive legal regime for electronic archiving. However, no other country engages the state through the certification of service providers, such as the PSDC status in Luxembourg.

By archiving in Luxembourg, companies in those countries could therefore both exploit their national legislation and benefit from the guarantees offered by the PSDC status.

Indeed, the rules and requirements to which Labgroup must comply as a PSDC are equivalent to those established by the Belgian law of July 21, 2016, called Digital Act, and the French decree of December 5, 2016 on the reliability of the copies and taken for the application of Article 1379 of the Civil Code.

The French and Belgian judges will therefore find, in the certified conformity of the PSDC in Luxembourg, objective reasons to rule favourably on the reliability of the digital copy.

Scheme of the digitisation PSDC process by Labgroup 



Communiqué de presse – Labgroup

Press release – Labgroup

Links Press



Digital Lëtzebuerg


Lab Luxembourg S.A. | Marketing Department | Cindy REFF

2, rue Edmond Reuter

L-5326 Contern (Luxembourg)

T +352 350 222 999 | F +352 350 222 350

Integrated Management System – Interview – Overview on the current challenges organisations are facing in respect of compliance and audit

The Integrated Management System challenges

The issues that companies face at the moment in terms of compliance are particularly linked to the omnipresence of regulation on the Luxembourgish market.

This has raised a demand for integrated management systems (IMS), to be used as a central/unique repository for all reference documents required for implementation, audit and certification against regulations, standards or best practices. Labgroup has been a precursor on this track, having already put in place a comprehensive IMS that has proved its value on the occasion of the audit for the ISO 27001[1] certification on February 2014. Further, early this year, the company succeeded in the renewing of both the ISO 9001[2] and the ISO 27001 certifications, as a result of a single audit process. And, last but not least, Labgroup’s IMS is being fed for the purpose of the next audit to be performed, in order for Labgroup to become the first company to be PSDC certified.

Operating in a highly regulated market is very demanding and it is key to success for enterprises to switch their perspective on these regulations from a hindrance to an opportunity for improvement.

(from right to left) Sébastien Pineau, Lead Partnership Officer, LIST, Bernard Moreau, CEO, Labgroup, Pierre Dewez, CEO, PECB Europe. @Hôtel Royal #Elephantparade – save the elephants initiative

This has been the cornerstone of Labgroup’s certification strategy, involving both management and staff, as it is extremely important that everyone, as part of the organisation, is involved from a to z. To successfully achieve this, it is essential to innovate with organisations such as LIST, who are dedicated to help enterprises meet all these compliance requirements.

In fact, List designed a set of processes to target different certifications and develops tools, allowing to achieve compliance with different regulations. Currently, the institute launched a comprehensive risk management process for two types of risk: operational and information security risks.

Interview – Integrated Management System – LIST – PECB – LABGROUP – Watch the video now!

The certification challenge

In a market that is increasingly moving towards deploying and operating integrated management systems, it does no longer make sense to audit and certify each norm individually.

This is the reason why for Labgroup, it was very important to find a certification body capable of auditing and certifying integrated management systems, not only  ISO standards but also compliance with standards, such as PSDC.

The main difficulty to achieve this is the lack of auditors with a strong background in all the relevant fields, who are able to understand the complexity and challenges of these management systems, and all the processes and tools within.

PECB Europe, the first Luxemburgish certification body, is able to provide an answer to all of these compliance milestones in one single audit.

The key factor in achieving this is understanding how to accompany the certification and auditing process whilst leveraging what is really important for enterprises, always focusing on decreasing the footprint and noise that an audit could cause in an organisation.

Becoming the first PSDC certified company in the market, strongly increases the demands and exigencies of an integrated management system, setting a new benchmark for compliance.

This is the reason why it is more and more important that organisations such as LIST, are able to provide innovative tools to better integrate regulation, with the target of being able in the future to integrate the regulators and the regulation, making compliance more easily accessible and efficient for the whole ecosystem in Luxemburg, as well as contributing to the Luxemburgish trusted data hub.

PSDC – The new certification scheme on Dematerialisation and Archiving Services, based on the Luxemburgish law on electronic archiving (25 of July 2015).

What is PSDC?

PSDC is a standard developed to meet the requirements of the Luxembourgish law on electronic archiving (25 of July of 2015), by which an organisation providing dematerialisation and archiving services, can become certified against PSDC technical rules and requirements.

Being a PSDC certified organisation means that all documents processed by the certified organisation have the same probative value as the original. This, in turn, implies that these documents are valid in a tribunal or court, having the same value as the analogic originals (paper-based).


Lab Luxembourg S.A.

Marketing Department

2, rue Edmond Reuter

L-5326 Contern


T +352 350 222 999

F +352 350 222 350



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Communiqué de presse – Labgroup

Press release – Labgroup

[1] ISO 27001 “specifies the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining and continually improving an information security management system within the context of the organization. It also includes requirements for the assessment and treatment of information security risks tailored to the needs of the organization. The requirements set out in ISO/IEC 27001:2013 are generic and are intended to be applicable to all organizations, regardless of type, size or nature.”, Definition, International Organization of Standardization, 2016, available online: .

[2] ISO 9001 “specifies requirements for a quality management system when an organization:

  1. a) needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, and
  2. b) aims to enhance customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system, including processes for improvement of the system and the assurance of conformity to customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.

All the requirements of ISO 9001 are generic and are intended to be applicable to any organization, regardless of its type or size, or the products and services it provides.”Definition, International Organization of Standardization, 2016, available online: .

Art-in-the-Office 16th of June 2016 – Container SUMO allocated to an enlightened amateur of the arts!

On Thursday the 16th of June, the official preview of the Art-in-the-Office project took place in Contern. On this occasion, the Luxembourgish artist SUMO and the students of the Lycée des Arts et Métiers (LAM) exhibit their artwork which captured the eyes of all present on the evening.

Art-in-the-Office, a project initiated by Labgroup and with the support of ALD Automotive, integrates art into the day-to-day working environment of Labgroup’s customers by improving the esthetics of everyday objects like its secure destruction containers.

For this first edition, Labgroup called upon a recognized talent from Luxembourg; the artist SUMO. His challenge; to transform Labgroup’s secure destruction containers into artwork.

During the official preview of SUMO’s artworks on Thursday, 16th of June, the original container painted by the artist was auctioned. This unique piece of art, has been reproduced on 50 Labgroup secure containers which have been made available to Labgroup’s secure destruction customers. This is the first of three projects that will be realized for the Art-in-the-Office initiative. The auction was won by no other than Bob Kneip, CEO of Kneip Communication, who is a passionate art collector.


Bob Kneip, winner of the auction and SUMO, the artist

Bernard Moreau, CEO Labgroup


Furthermore, the guests discovered the projects of the LAM students, created as part of the Art-in-the-office competition, as well as the winner’s project which has been reproduced on a Labgroup container’s. Amongst the 16 projects presented, the student Charlie Diswiscour project was selected by the jury, composed of the artist SUMO, a teacher of the LAM, Bob Kneip (CEO, Kneip Communication) and Romain Poulles (CEO, ProGroup). Unfortunately, Charlie could not be present on the evening but was represented by her father, Luc Diswiscour, who proudly accepted the prize on behalf of his daughter, which was a gift voucher of 500€, offered by Orange Luxembourg. The evening continued in a very artistic atmosphere with a refreshments offered by Gmöhling, the manufacturer of the secure destruction containers.

The jury (from left to right) – Romain Poulles, CEO ProGroup, Marianne Grisse, Professor LAM, Sumo, Artist and Bob Kneip, CEO Kneip Communication)

Luc Diswiscour, father of Charlie Diswiscour, winner of the competition


The next Art-in-the-office edition for 2017, will again collaborate with the recognized talent of SUMO and will open the Art-in-the-office competition to a new class of students. The project Art-in-the-office will structure itself next year in form of a non-profit making organization.

“Finally, we can say that the project has been a great success. The students of the LAM have created unique and original projects. Every single student has distinguished himself by their own style and has interpreted the subject which was “creation of an original artwork on a container” in a different and unique way. The profession of the expression of shapes and colours allows everyone to express themselves differently. We would like to thank the students as well as the teachers from the Lycée des Arts et Métiers, Marianne Grisse and Patrice Putz who have created as various projects. Even if one unique project has been chosen, we can without any hesitation confirm that all projects deserve a big congratulation. We would like to thank SUMO, with whom we will have the pleasure to collaborate with for the 2017 edition. He has created an artwork that is so original and unique, that we were delighted to see Bob Kneip winning the auction of this master piece. Even if we were sad to see this work of art leave the Labgroup building”, Bernard Moreau, CEO Labgroup.

“This project allowed me to create an artwork very different from anything I have created previously in my career as an artist. I am glad to have taken this challenge and that I had the opportunity to coach the young artists from the LAM who remembered me of my earlier times as a student in this High-School. I’m delighted that Bob Kneip has won the auction because he admirers and supports the sector of art as much I do. I think it is important to continue to support and encourage this project and I’m looking forward to starting work on the next edition”, SUMO, artist from Luxembourg.


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Communiqué de presse – Art-in-the-office 2016 – Labgroup

Press release – Art-in-the-office 2016 – Labgroup


Labgroup integrates art into the day-to-day life of its customers by improving the aesthetics of its secure destruction containers.

Art-in-the-office, a three-year project launched by Labgroup and with the support of ALD Automotive, integrates art into the day-to-day working environment by improving the aesthetics of everyday objects. For this first edition, Labgroup called upon a recognized talent from Luxembourg; the artist SUMO. His challenge; to transform Labgroup’s secure destruction containers into artwork.

« This project unites two conflicting concepts: destruction and creation. The creative element consists in the conception of an original artwork displayed on a container, which is ultimately destined to collect material for the purpose of destroying it. This paradox constitutes one of the fascinating aspects of the artwork. In addition, my works are typically composed of several layers, whereby each successive layer destroys the previous one. », SUMO.

Charlie Diwiscour, Winner of the AITO 2016 edition.

On Friday 3rd of June, all actors which have contributed to the success of the project Art-in-the-office, could admire a preview of the famous container redesigned by SUMO. Both aesthetic and functional, his artwork has been reproduced on 50 containers which have already been made available within the offices of Labgroup’s customers.

The event gave the occasion for the students of the Lycée des Arts et Métiers (LTAM) to present their artworks which has been created as part of the Art-in-the-office competition: 16 unique and creative projects, amongst which a competent jury will have to choose the artwork that will be reproduced on Labgroup’s containers.

The name of the winner will be announced during the exhibition which will take place this Tuesday 16th of June, by a jury composed of the artist SUMO, a teacher of the LTAM, Bob Kneip (CEO, Kneip Communications) and Romain Poulles (CEO, ProGroup), both passionate collectors and admirers of art. The winner will receive an award, offered by Orange Luxembourg.

During this event, the auction of the SUMO container will be closed (see, before the closing drink offered by the company Gmöhling which produces the secure destruction containers.

The next Art-in-the-office edition in 2017 will again request the recognized talent of SUMO and will open the Art-in-the-office competition to a new class of students. The project Art-in-the-office will be structured itself next year in the form of a non-profit making organisation.

« The importance of the social role of art is often underestimated and discouraged by our society. Labgroup wants, via Art-in-the office, to support this sector of the expression of shapes and colours. We aim to integrate art into our daily lives as well as the daily lives of our customers. On the one hand, it is a way of thanking our customers for their trust, on the other hand, it is a way to remember that art has no limits. Artistic expression accompanies us every day and can be found even on the most common objects like our Labgroup containers. The collaboration with SUMO was logical since he does not limit his art to paintings. », Bernard Moreau, CEO Labgroup.

About Labgroup

Labgroup is a Luxembourg-based company that offers information management and archiving services to businesses in the financial and insurance sectors and to administrations and businesses from other sectors. Labgroup’s range of services includes digitising paper documents, storing and destroying physical archives, capturing and conserving electronic archives, protecting and restoring data, preserving IT media and giving consulting services and training. Labgroup also has offices in Ireland and Gibraltar. As a Financial Sector Professional (PSF), Labgroup is monitored by the Luxembourg Financial Services Supervisory Authority (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier, CSSF). Labgroup is ISO 9001 and ISO 27001:2005 certified and will soon acquire PSDC status.



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Communiqué de presse – Art-in-the-office 2016 – Labgroup

Press release – Art-in-the-office 2016 – Labgroup



Lab Luxembourg S.A.
Marketing Department
2, rue Edmond Reuter
L-5326 Contern

T +352 350 222 999
F +352 350 222 350

Numen Europe et Labgroup accompagnent l’Université du Luxembourg dans sa transformation digitale

Depuis sa création en 2003, l’Université du Luxembourg (UNI) s’est imposée sur la scène internationale comme un campus de référence alliant modernité et excellence. Inscrite dans une logique de service vis-à-vis de ses étudiants, l’UNI a notamment lancé un projet de digitalisation des dossiers d’inscription visant la dématérialisation des services étudiants.

Souhaitant tirer profit de la loi luxembourgeoise du 25 juillet 2015 relative à l’archivage électronique, l’UNI a fait appel aux services combinés de Numen Europe et Labgroup, devenant ainsi la première organisation à tirer avantage de ce nouveau cadre légal de dématérialisation et de conservation des documents, tout en déployant sa stratégie globale de transformation digitale.

L’approche « One stop shopping » pour un meilleur service … et plus d’efficacité

Avec 6 200 inscrits, l’UNI est confrontée au problème du volume des archives papier. « Nous gérons, en moyenne, 20 000 dossiers d’inscription par an. Sachant que les attestations et autres diplômes doivent rester disponibles durant plusieurs dizaines d’années, nous avons profité de notre déménagement vers le nouveau site de Belval pour dématérialiser nos archives et développer les services en ligne. Via un guichet unique d’échange d’information ou « one stop shop », nos étudiants peuvent accéder à leur dossier numérique, obtenir des informations et échanger des documents avec l’Université sans se déplacer» explique Eric Tschirhart, Vice-recteur académique de l’Université et initiateur du projet. « Lorsqu’on a des « clients » issus de 110 pays, âgés d’une vingtaine d’années et qui vivent dans un monde 2.0 avec lequel ils interagissent naturellement de manière électronique, voilà un service qui rencontre les besoins ! ».

Côté « fournisseur », la dématérialisation des dossiers fait gagner du temps de recherche et de manipulation aux personnels administratifs de l’Université, leur faisant économiser un temps précieux tout en se consacrant à des tâches plus valorisantes.

À propos de Labgroup

Labgroup est une compagnie luxembourgeoise qui offre des solutions de gestion et d’archivage de l’information aux entreprises de la finance et de l’assurance, aux administrations et aux organisations de tous les secteurs.

Depuis 1977, Labgroup assiste ses clients dans leurs efforts de dématérialisation, en proposant des services et solutions adaptés de gestion électronique des données. La gamme des services de Labgroup inclut la numérisation des documents papier, l’entreposage et la destruction des archives physiques, la capture et la conservation des archives électroniques, la gestion collaborative des documents électroniques, la sauvegarde et la restauration des données, la préservation de médias informatiques, le conseil et la formation en archivistique. En tant que Professionnel du Secteur Financier (PSF), Labgroup est une entité surveillée par la “Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier” (CSSF).

Labgroup est certifié ISO 9001, ISO 27001 et prochainement PSDC. Labgroup est également présent en Irlande et à Gibraltar.

Les sociétés Numen Europe et Labgroup emploient au total plus de 100 collaborateurs au Luxembourg, où elles exploitent plusieurs data centres et centres de dématérialisation.

Pour plus d’informations, veuillez télécharger le communiqué de presse. 



Press pack English and French:
Numen :

Lab Luxembourg S.A.
Marketing Department
2-4, rue Edmond Reuter
L-5326 Contern

T +352 350 222 999
F +352 350 222 350

Communiqué de presse

Labgroup Communiqué de presse _ FR.pdf




Merkur – Corporate News

Executives Say Less Than 10 Percent of Business Processes will Rely on Paper by 2018, Xerox study

Xerox study shows the digital enterprise is on the horizon but there’s more talk than action. (survey of 600 IT decision-makers in large North American and Western European organisations.)

The “Digitisation at Work” report from Xerox shows the move from paper to digital processes is nearly upon us but many survey respondents admit they may not be ready for it.

The report found broad concern over paper-based processes, with cost (42 percent) and security (42 percent) cited as primary issues. Survey respondents predicted an average of only nine percent of key business operation processes will run on paper in the next two years.

For further information about the study, we invite you to download the press release.

Numen Europe et Labgroup combinent leurs savoir-faire dans une offre commune “DaaS – Document as a Service” intégrée et innovante !

Optimiser la gestion, la protection et la conservation des documents, tant physiques qu’électroniques, dans une optique “Paperless Office”, telle est la préoccupation des responsables d’entreprise à la recherche d’agilité et d’efficience.

Numen Europe, expert en traitement externalisé de données et documents sensibles, et Labgroup, tiers-archiveur de métier depuis 38 ans, deux acteurs majeurs au Luxembourg, s’associent pour leur apporter une solution clé en main, sous la forme d’une offre logiciels + services à la demande.

Il est en effet insuffisant de proposer la prise en charge de certaines opérations ponctuelles, comme la numérisation des documents papier ou l’archivage à long terme, quand les entreprises expriment un besoin d’externalisation complète de processus de traitement d’information, afin de concentrer leurs ressources sur leur cœur de métier.

C’est donc toute la “Supply Chain” de l’information qui est couverte par l’offre DaaS (Document as a Service) : depuis la collecte physique ou la capture automatique, jusqu’à la destruction certifiée, en passant par la classification, la dématérialisation, l’indexation, l’extraction de données, l’analyse de données (Data Analytics), la gestion électronique des flux (Enterprise Content Management, Workflow Management, and Collaboration Tools), l’archivage physique ou électronique (Records Management), la sauvegarde, l’éditique (Desktop Publishing), la composition et le routage.

L’offre DaaS est commercialisée par Numen Europe et Labgroup, qui restent indépendantes l’une de l’autre, en service bureau (SaaS Mode), en mode licence ou en mode intégration de services.

À propos de Labgroup

Labgroup est une compagnie luxembourgeoise qui offre des solutions de gestion et d’archivage de l’information aux entreprises de la finance et de l’assurance, aux administrations et aux organisations de tous les secteurs.

Depuis 1977, Labgroup assiste ses clients dans leurs efforts de dématérialisation, en proposant des services et solutions adaptés de gestion électronique des données. La gamme des services de Labgroup inclut la numérisation des documents papier, l’entreposage et la destruction des archives physiques, la capture et la conservation des archives électroniques, la gestion collaborative des documents électroniques, la sauvegarde et la restauration des données, la préservation de médias informatiques, le conseil et la formation en archivistique. En tant que Professionnel du Secteur Financier (PSF), Labgroup est une entité surveillée par la “Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier” (CSSF).

Labgroup est certifié ISO 9001, ISO 27001 et prochainement PSDC. Labgroup est également présent en Irlande et à Gibraltar.

Les sociétés Numen Europe et Labgroup emploient au total plus de 100 collaborateurs au Luxembourg, où elles exploitent plusieurs data centres et centres de dématérialisation.


Press pack English and French:
Numen :

Lab Luxembourg S.A.
Marketing Department
2, rue Edmond Reuter
L-5326 Contern

T +352 350 222 1
F +352 350 222 350

Communiqué de presse

Labgroup Communiqué de presse _ FR.pdf

Articles sur la conférence de presse

Soluxions-Magazine – Numen Europe et Labgroup font DaaS conjoint.

Merkur :

Agefi Luxembourg

Agefi Magazine PDF