Tag Archive for: Art-In-The-Office
Charlie Diswiscour est la gagnante du concours Art-In-The-Office. elle remporte un chèque cadeau de 500€.
Voici la photo de la grande gagnante de notre concours Art-In-The-Office! Ce projet initié par Labgroup (avec l’aide de ALD Automotive) a permis à Charlie Diswiscour de remporter un chèque de 500 euros. Bravo à elle et à tous les élèves du lycée des Arts et Des Métiers! Retrouvez-nous, l’artiste SUMO et une autre classe d’élèves l’année prochaine pour le deuxième projet Art-in-the-office!
Découvrez l’article paru dans l’édition Juin-Juillet de Soluxions Magazine sur Art-In-The-Office
Combiner l’art et l’utile voilà en quoi consistait le projet triennal initié par Labgroup et SUMO (supporté par ALD Automotive). Le célèbre artiste luxembourgeois a apposé sa signature artistique sur l’un des conteneurs de destruction sécurisé de l’entreprise Labgroup. L’œuvre d’art a été mise aux enchères et gagnée par le féru d’art Bob Kneip (CEO de Kneip Communication).
Ce projet a également mis à contribution les élèves du Lycée des Arts et Métiers dans le cadre du concours Art-in-the-office. « Je suis content d’avoir relevé ce défi ainsi que d’avoir pu coacher les jeunes artistes du Lycée des Arts et Métiers qui m’ont rappelé l’époque où j’étais moi-même étudiant dans ce même lycée… », déclare SUMO.
La prochaine édition du projet Art-in-the-office se déroulera l’année prochaine et sollicitera pour une deuxième fois l’originalité et le talent de SUMO et des élèves d’une autre école.
•SOL 139 – JUNE16 DEF-LUX-LOW (page 14)
Copyright 2016 © Soluxions
Soluxions n˚139 Juin-Juillet 2016
Art-in-the-Office 16th of June 2016 – Container SUMO allocated to an enlightened amateur of the arts!
On Thursday the 16th of June, the official preview of the Art-in-the-Office project took place in Contern. On this occasion, the Luxembourgish artist SUMO and the students of the Lycée des Arts et Métiers (LAM) exhibit their artwork which captured the eyes of all present on the evening.
Art-in-the-Office, a project initiated by Labgroup and with the support of ALD Automotive, integrates art into the day-to-day working environment of Labgroup’s customers by improving the esthetics of everyday objects like its secure destruction containers.
For this first edition, Labgroup called upon a recognized talent from Luxembourg; the artist SUMO. His challenge; to transform Labgroup’s secure destruction containers into artwork.
During the official preview of SUMO’s artworks on Thursday, 16th of June, the original container painted by the artist was auctioned. This unique piece of art, has been reproduced on 50 Labgroup secure containers which have been made available to Labgroup’s secure destruction customers. This is the first of three projects that will be realized for the Art-in-the-Office initiative. The auction was won by no other than Bob Kneip, CEO of Kneip Communication, who is a passionate art collector.
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Bernard Moreau, CEO Labgroup |
Furthermore, the guests discovered the projects of the LAM students, created as part of the Art-in-the-office competition, as well as the winner’s project which has been reproduced on a Labgroup container’s. Amongst the 16 projects presented, the student Charlie Diswiscour project was selected by the jury, composed of the artist SUMO, a teacher of the LAM, Bob Kneip (CEO, Kneip Communication) and Romain Poulles (CEO, ProGroup). Unfortunately, Charlie could not be present on the evening but was represented by her father, Luc Diswiscour, who proudly accepted the prize on behalf of his daughter, which was a gift voucher of 500€, offered by Orange Luxembourg. The evening continued in a very artistic atmosphere with a refreshments offered by Gmöhling, the manufacturer of the secure destruction containers.
The next Art-in-the-office edition for 2017, will again collaborate with the recognized talent of SUMO and will open the Art-in-the-office competition to a new class of students. The project Art-in-the-office will structure itself next year in form of a non-profit making organization.
“Finally, we can say that the project has been a great success. The students of the LAM have created unique and original projects. Every single student has distinguished himself by their own style and has interpreted the subject which was “creation of an original artwork on a container” in a different and unique way. The profession of the expression of shapes and colours allows everyone to express themselves differently. We would like to thank the students as well as the teachers from the Lycée des Arts et Métiers, Marianne Grisse and Patrice Putz who have created as various projects. Even if one unique project has been chosen, we can without any hesitation confirm that all projects deserve a big congratulation. We would like to thank SUMO, with whom we will have the pleasure to collaborate with for the 2017 edition. He has created an artwork that is so original and unique, that we were delighted to see Bob Kneip winning the auction of this master piece. Even if we were sad to see this work of art leave the Labgroup building”, Bernard Moreau, CEO Labgroup.
“This project allowed me to create an artwork very different from anything I have created previously in my career as an artist. I am glad to have taken this challenge and that I had the opportunity to coach the young artists from the LAM who remembered me of my earlier times as a student in this High-School. I’m delighted that Bob Kneip has won the auction because he admirers and supports the sector of art as much I do. I think it is important to continue to support and encourage this project and I’m looking forward to starting work on the next edition”, SUMO, artist from Luxembourg.
Download press pack: www.labgroup.com/pr
Art-in-the-Office: http://www.artintheoffice.org/
Soluxions – Art-in-the-office, l’art dans l’environnement de travail
Découvrez l’article portant sur le projet Art-in-the-Office de soluxions-magazine.com paru le 16 juin 2016.
Via Art-in-the-office, Labgroup introduit l’art dans le quotidien de ses clients en améliorant l’aspect esthétique de ses conteneurs de destruction sécurisée.
Art-in-the-office. Ou comment introduire l’art dans l’environnement de travail par le biais d’objets utilitaires. Initié par Labgroup et supporté par ALD Automotive, ce projet triennal fait appel, pour cette première édition, à l’artiste luxembourgeois SUMO. Son défi ? Transformer les conteneurs de destruction sécurisée Labgroup en œuvres d’art !
«Ce projet unit deux opposés : la destruction et la création, explique SUMO. D’une part, il y a l’aspect de la création d’une œuvre sur un conteneur, d’autre part le conteneur a comme raison d’être la destruction de son contenu, ce qui est très intéressant au niveau artistique. Une autre similitude est que mes œuvres se composent de plusieurs ‘ couches’. Mon processus de création se fait par la destruction de la couche précédente pour en créer une nouvelle.»
Le vendredi 3 juin, tous les acteurs qui ont contribué au succès du projet Art-in-the-Office, ont pu admirer en avant-première le fameux conteneur peint par SUMO. À la fois pratique et artistique, son œuvre a été reproduite sur 50 conteneurs et mis à disposition de clients Labgroup dans leurs locaux.
Labgroup integrates art into the day-to-day life of its customers by improving the aesthetics of its secure destruction containers.
Art-in-the-office, a three-year project launched by Labgroup and with the support of ALD Automotive, integrates art into the day-to-day working environment by improving the aesthetics of everyday objects. For this first edition, Labgroup called upon a recognized talent from Luxembourg; the artist SUMO. His challenge; to transform Labgroup’s secure destruction containers into artwork.
« This project unites two conflicting concepts: destruction and creation. The creative element consists in the conception of an original artwork displayed on a container, which is ultimately destined to collect material for the purpose of destroying it. This paradox constitutes one of the fascinating aspects of the artwork. In addition, my works are typically composed of several layers, whereby each successive layer destroys the previous one. », SUMO.
Charlie Diwiscour, Winner of the AITO 2016 edition.
On Friday 3rd of June, all actors which have contributed to the success of the project Art-in-the-office, could admire a preview of the famous container redesigned by SUMO. Both aesthetic and functional, his artwork has been reproduced on 50 containers which have already been made available within the offices of Labgroup’s customers.
The event gave the occasion for the students of the Lycée des Arts et Métiers (LTAM) to present their artworks which has been created as part of the Art-in-the-office competition: 16 unique and creative projects, amongst which a competent jury will have to choose the artwork that will be reproduced on Labgroup’s containers.
The name of the winner will be announced during the exhibition which will take place this Tuesday 16th of June, by a jury composed of the artist SUMO, a teacher of the LTAM, Bob Kneip (CEO, Kneip Communications) and Romain Poulles (CEO, ProGroup), both passionate collectors and admirers of art. The winner will receive an award, offered by Orange Luxembourg.
During this event, the auction of the SUMO container will be closed (see www.artintheoffice.org), before the closing drink offered by the company Gmöhling which produces the secure destruction containers.
The next Art-in-the-office edition in 2017 will again request the recognized talent of SUMO and will open the Art-in-the-office competition to a new class of students. The project Art-in-the-office will be structured itself next year in the form of a non-profit making organisation.
« The importance of the social role of art is often underestimated and discouraged by our society. Labgroup wants, via Art-in-the office, to support this sector of the expression of shapes and colours. We aim to integrate art into our daily lives as well as the daily lives of our customers. On the one hand, it is a way of thanking our customers for their trust, on the other hand, it is a way to remember that art has no limits. Artistic expression accompanies us every day and can be found even on the most common objects like our Labgroup containers. The collaboration with SUMO was logical since he does not limit his art to paintings. », Bernard Moreau, CEO Labgroup.
About Labgroup
Labgroup is a Luxembourg-based company that offers information management and archiving services to businesses in the financial and insurance sectors and to administrations and businesses from other sectors. Labgroup’s range of services includes digitising paper documents, storing and destroying physical archives, capturing and conserving electronic archives, protecting and restoring data, preserving IT media and giving consulting services and training. Labgroup also has offices in Ireland and Gibraltar. As a Financial Sector Professional (PSF), Labgroup is monitored by the Luxembourg Financial Services Supervisory Authority (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier, CSSF). Labgroup is ISO 9001 and ISO 27001:2005 certified and will soon acquire PSDC status.
Download press pack: www.labgroup.com/pr
Art-in-the-Office: http://www.artintheoffice.org/
Communiqué de presse – Art-in-the-office 2016 – Labgroup
Press release – Art-in-the-office 2016 – Labgroup
Lab Luxembourg S.A.
Marketing Department
2, rue Edmond Reuter
L-5326 Contern
T +352 350 222 999
F +352 350 222 350
Chronicle.lu – Labgroup Engages SUMO for Art-In-The-Office Initiative
Discover the newest article about Art-In-The-Office, an initiative of Labgroup, released the 11th of April 2016, by the Chronicle.lu.
“Labgroup, with the support of ALD automotive, have launched a new initiative, Art-In-The-Office. Art-In-The-Office intends to improve the aesthetics of the office environment by integrating art into “day-to-day business”, with a vernissage being organised on 16 June 2016 at the Arizona Lounge in Contern. Labgroup, expert in the preservation of documents and data for forty years, offers a wide range of dedicated services, covering the entire document lifecycle, whether electronic or paper. Among other services, Labgroup offers an assured destruction service constituting the perfect response for companies seeking to ensure both security and data privacy compliance of discarded documents.”
For further information about the project, we invite you to read the full article or to visit the website artintheoffice.org.
Copyright 2016 © Chronicle.lu