Tag Archive for: PSDC

Integrated Management System – Interview – Overview on the current challenges organisations are facing in respect of compliance and audit

The Integrated Management System challenges

The issues that companies face at the moment in terms of compliance are particularly linked to the omnipresence of regulation on the Luxembourgish market.

This has raised a demand for integrated management systems (IMS), to be used as a central/unique repository for all reference documents required for implementation, audit and certification against regulations, standards or best practices. Labgroup has been a precursor on this track, having already put in place a comprehensive IMS that has proved its value on the occasion of the audit for the ISO 27001[1] certification on February 2014. Further, early this year, the company succeeded in the renewing of both the ISO 9001[2] and the ISO 27001 certifications, as a result of a single audit process. And, last but not least, Labgroup’s IMS is being fed for the purpose of the next audit to be performed, in order for Labgroup to become the first company to be PSDC certified.

Operating in a highly regulated market is very demanding and it is key to success for enterprises to switch their perspective on these regulations from a hindrance to an opportunity for improvement.

(from right to left) Sébastien Pineau, Lead Partnership Officer, LIST, Bernard Moreau, CEO, Labgroup, Pierre Dewez, CEO, PECB Europe. @Hôtel Royal #Elephantparade – save the elephants initiative

This has been the cornerstone of Labgroup’s certification strategy, involving both management and staff, as it is extremely important that everyone, as part of the organisation, is involved from a to z. To successfully achieve this, it is essential to innovate with organisations such as LIST, who are dedicated to help enterprises meet all these compliance requirements.

In fact, List designed a set of processes to target different certifications and develops tools, allowing to achieve compliance with different regulations. Currently, the institute launched a comprehensive risk management process for two types of risk: operational and information security risks.

Interview – Integrated Management System – LIST – PECB – LABGROUP – Watch the video now!

The certification challenge

In a market that is increasingly moving towards deploying and operating integrated management systems, it does no longer make sense to audit and certify each norm individually.

This is the reason why for Labgroup, it was very important to find a certification body capable of auditing and certifying integrated management systems, not only  ISO standards but also compliance with standards, such as PSDC.

The main difficulty to achieve this is the lack of auditors with a strong background in all the relevant fields, who are able to understand the complexity and challenges of these management systems, and all the processes and tools within.

PECB Europe, the first Luxemburgish certification body, is able to provide an answer to all of these compliance milestones in one single audit.

The key factor in achieving this is understanding how to accompany the certification and auditing process whilst leveraging what is really important for enterprises, always focusing on decreasing the footprint and noise that an audit could cause in an organisation.

Becoming the first PSDC certified company in the market, strongly increases the demands and exigencies of an integrated management system, setting a new benchmark for compliance.

This is the reason why it is more and more important that organisations such as LIST, are able to provide innovative tools to better integrate regulation, with the target of being able in the future to integrate the regulators and the regulation, making compliance more easily accessible and efficient for the whole ecosystem in Luxemburg, as well as contributing to the Luxemburgish trusted data hub.

PSDC – The new certification scheme on Dematerialisation and Archiving Services, based on the Luxemburgish law on electronic archiving (25 of July 2015).

What is PSDC?

PSDC is a standard developed to meet the requirements of the Luxembourgish law on electronic archiving (25 of July of 2015), by which an organisation providing dematerialisation and archiving services, can become certified against PSDC technical rules and requirements.

Being a PSDC certified organisation means that all documents processed by the certified organisation have the same probative value as the original. This, in turn, implies that these documents are valid in a tribunal or court, having the same value as the analogic originals (paper-based).


Lab Luxembourg S.A.

Marketing Department

2, rue Edmond Reuter

L-5326 Contern


T +352 350 222 999

F +352 350 222 350





Download press pack: www.labgroup.com/pr






Communiqué de presse – Labgroup

Press release – Labgroup

[1] ISO 27001 “specifies the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining and continually improving an information security management system within the context of the organization. It also includes requirements for the assessment and treatment of information security risks tailored to the needs of the organization. The requirements set out in ISO/IEC 27001:2013 are generic and are intended to be applicable to all organizations, regardless of type, size or nature.”, Definition, International Organization of Standardization, 2016, available online: http://www.iso.org/ .

[2] ISO 9001 “specifies requirements for a quality management system when an organization:

  1. a) needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, and
  2. b) aims to enhance customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system, including processes for improvement of the system and the assurance of conformity to customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.

All the requirements of ISO 9001 are generic and are intended to be applicable to any organization, regardless of its type or size, or the products and services it provides.”Definition, International Organization of Standardization, 2016, available online: http://www.iso.org/ .

Challenges of Integrated Management System Certifications – Interview PECB Europe – LIST – Labgroup

Discover soon the interview about the ” Challenges of Integrated Management Systems Certifications – Overview on the current challenges faced by organisations with Pierre Dewez, CEO PECB Europe, Sébastien Pineau, Lead Partnership Officer, LIST and Bernard Moreau, CEO Labgroup.


Soluxions – UNI.lu a numérisé les dossiers de l’ensemble de ses étudiants. Partenaires technologiques du projet, Numen Europe et Labgroup.

Découvrez l’article  – UNI.lu, “PSDC-ready” – paru le 7 avril 2016 – Soluxions

«Voici quelques temps, j’avais à récupérer un important document de mon cursus universitaire dans un établissement de l’est de la France : j’ai patienté onze jours ouvrables, se souvient Eric Tschirhart, vice-recteur académique à l’Université de Luxembourg. Les étudiants de l’UNI.lu n’attendront pas, croyez-moi !»

Engagée dans un processus de digitalisation au long cours, l’Université de Luxembourg numérise ses dossiers étudiants. Et sera, selon ses partenaires technologies, Numen Europe et Labgroup, une des premières organisations labellisées PSDC (Prestataire de Services de Dématérialisation ou de Conservation), telle que définie par la loi du 25 juillet 2015 relative à l’archivage électronique.

Concrètement, pour les six mille étudiants inscrits plus le cadre administratif de l’université, cela signifie pouvoir accéder aux relevés de notes, aux copies de diplômes ou, encore, aux attestations d’inscription en ligne. «Le but est de créer un ‘one stop shop’ afin de permettre à nos étudiants d’accéder à toutes leurs données depuis une plateforme unique hautement sécurisée, explique Eric Tschirhart. C’est un solide avantage pour nos étudiants étrangers -majoritaires. En effet, où qu’ils soient et quand ils le souhaitent, ils pourront retrouver leurs attestations et diplômes en quelques clics.» 

Pour plus d’informations, veuillez consulter l’article complet  – Soluxions ou télécharger le communiqué de presse.

Article : Alain de Fooz

Copyright 2016 © Soluxions

Numen Europe et Labgroup accompagnent l’Université du Luxembourg dans sa transformation digitale

Depuis sa création en 2003, l’Université du Luxembourg (UNI) s’est imposée sur la scène internationale comme un campus de référence alliant modernité et excellence. Inscrite dans une logique de service vis-à-vis de ses étudiants, l’UNI a notamment lancé un projet de digitalisation des dossiers d’inscription visant la dématérialisation des services étudiants.

Souhaitant tirer profit de la loi luxembourgeoise du 25 juillet 2015 relative à l’archivage électronique, l’UNI a fait appel aux services combinés de Numen Europe et Labgroup, devenant ainsi la première organisation à tirer avantage de ce nouveau cadre légal de dématérialisation et de conservation des documents, tout en déployant sa stratégie globale de transformation digitale.

L’approche « One stop shopping » pour un meilleur service … et plus d’efficacité

Avec 6 200 inscrits, l’UNI est confrontée au problème du volume des archives papier. « Nous gérons, en moyenne, 20 000 dossiers d’inscription par an. Sachant que les attestations et autres diplômes doivent rester disponibles durant plusieurs dizaines d’années, nous avons profité de notre déménagement vers le nouveau site de Belval pour dématérialiser nos archives et développer les services en ligne. Via un guichet unique d’échange d’information ou « one stop shop », nos étudiants peuvent accéder à leur dossier numérique, obtenir des informations et échanger des documents avec l’Université sans se déplacer» explique Eric Tschirhart, Vice-recteur académique de l’Université et initiateur du projet. « Lorsqu’on a des « clients » issus de 110 pays, âgés d’une vingtaine d’années et qui vivent dans un monde 2.0 avec lequel ils interagissent naturellement de manière électronique, voilà un service qui rencontre les besoins ! ».

Côté « fournisseur », la dématérialisation des dossiers fait gagner du temps de recherche et de manipulation aux personnels administratifs de l’Université, leur faisant économiser un temps précieux tout en se consacrant à des tâches plus valorisantes.

À propos de Labgroup

Labgroup est une compagnie luxembourgeoise qui offre des solutions de gestion et d’archivage de l’information aux entreprises de la finance et de l’assurance, aux administrations et aux organisations de tous les secteurs.

Depuis 1977, Labgroup assiste ses clients dans leurs efforts de dématérialisation, en proposant des services et solutions adaptés de gestion électronique des données. La gamme des services de Labgroup inclut la numérisation des documents papier, l’entreposage et la destruction des archives physiques, la capture et la conservation des archives électroniques, la gestion collaborative des documents électroniques, la sauvegarde et la restauration des données, la préservation de médias informatiques, le conseil et la formation en archivistique. En tant que Professionnel du Secteur Financier (PSF), Labgroup est une entité surveillée par la “Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier” (CSSF).

Labgroup est certifié ISO 9001, ISO 27001 et prochainement PSDC. Labgroup est également présent en Irlande et à Gibraltar.

Les sociétés Numen Europe et Labgroup emploient au total plus de 100 collaborateurs au Luxembourg, où elles exploitent plusieurs data centres et centres de dématérialisation.

Pour plus d’informations, veuillez télécharger le communiqué de presse. 



Press pack English and French: www.labgroup.com/pr
Numen : www.numeneurope.com

Lab Luxembourg S.A.
Marketing Department
2-4, rue Edmond Reuter
L-5326 Contern

T +352 350 222 999
F +352 350 222 350

Communiqué de presse

Labgroup Communiqué de presse _ FR.pdf




Merkur – Corporate News


PSDC procedures by ILNAS

New document released by ILNAS about the PSDC procedures

ILNAS, via the “Digital trust department”, is notably charged with the supervision of PSDCs that are established in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and offer services related to digitisation or conservation of documents. This document describes the scheme, requirements and process applied by the ILNAS – Digital Trust department for the supervision of PSDCs. The supervision scheme is based upon the law on electronic archiving of dd/mm/2013.

The purpose of this procedure consists to describe the process of supervising PSDCs. The procedure addresses in priority the clients and the staff of ILNAS – Digital trust department. You can also find all the documents and the technical rules on the ILNAS website. To learn more about the PSDC status, read our presentation about “Should you Become PSDC or Not ?” and our presentation “Introduction to the new Electronic Archiving Bill” (in French).

As a specialist in document management, Labgroup offers free consultancy on the new Electronic Archiving bill to companies in Luxembourg. Register now for free !