Integrated Management System – Interview – Overview on the current challenges organisations are facing in respect of compliance and audit

The Integrated Management System challenges

The issues that companies face at the moment in terms of compliance are particularly linked to the omnipresence of regulation on the Luxembourgish market.

This has raised a demand for integrated management systems (IMS), to be used as a central/unique repository for all reference documents required for implementation, audit and certification against regulations, standards or best practices. Labgroup has been a precursor on this track, having already put in place a comprehensive IMS that has proved its value on the occasion of the audit for the ISO 27001[1] certification on February 2014. Further, early this year, the company succeeded in the renewing of both the ISO 9001[2] and the ISO 27001 certifications, as a result of a single audit process. And, last but not least, Labgroup’s IMS is being fed for the purpose of the next audit to be performed, in order for Labgroup to become the first company to be PSDC certified.

Operating in a highly regulated market is very demanding and it is key to success for enterprises to switch their perspective on these regulations from a hindrance to an opportunity for improvement.

(from right to left) Sébastien Pineau, Lead Partnership Officer, LIST, Bernard Moreau, CEO, Labgroup, Pierre Dewez, CEO, PECB Europe. @Hôtel Royal #Elephantparade – save the elephants initiative

This has been the cornerstone of Labgroup’s certification strategy, involving both management and staff, as it is extremely important that everyone, as part of the organisation, is involved from a to z. To successfully achieve this, it is essential to innovate with organisations such as LIST, who are dedicated to help enterprises meet all these compliance requirements.

In fact, List designed a set of processes to target different certifications and develops tools, allowing to achieve compliance with different regulations. Currently, the institute launched a comprehensive risk management process for two types of risk: operational and information security risks.

Interview – Integrated Management System – LIST – PECB – LABGROUP – Watch the video now!

The certification challenge

In a market that is increasingly moving towards deploying and operating integrated management systems, it does no longer make sense to audit and certify each norm individually.

This is the reason why for Labgroup, it was very important to find a certification body capable of auditing and certifying integrated management systems, not only  ISO standards but also compliance with standards, such as PSDC.

The main difficulty to achieve this is the lack of auditors with a strong background in all the relevant fields, who are able to understand the complexity and challenges of these management systems, and all the processes and tools within.

PECB Europe, the first Luxemburgish certification body, is able to provide an answer to all of these compliance milestones in one single audit.

The key factor in achieving this is understanding how to accompany the certification and auditing process whilst leveraging what is really important for enterprises, always focusing on decreasing the footprint and noise that an audit could cause in an organisation.

Becoming the first PSDC certified company in the market, strongly increases the demands and exigencies of an integrated management system, setting a new benchmark for compliance.

This is the reason why it is more and more important that organisations such as LIST, are able to provide innovative tools to better integrate regulation, with the target of being able in the future to integrate the regulators and the regulation, making compliance more easily accessible and efficient for the whole ecosystem in Luxemburg, as well as contributing to the Luxemburgish trusted data hub.

PSDC – The new certification scheme on Dematerialisation and Archiving Services, based on the Luxemburgish law on electronic archiving (25 of July 2015).

What is PSDC?

PSDC is a standard developed to meet the requirements of the Luxembourgish law on electronic archiving (25 of July of 2015), by which an organisation providing dematerialisation and archiving services, can become certified against PSDC technical rules and requirements.

Being a PSDC certified organisation means that all documents processed by the certified organisation have the same probative value as the original. This, in turn, implies that these documents are valid in a tribunal or court, having the same value as the analogic originals (paper-based).


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[1] ISO 27001 “specifies the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining and continually improving an information security management system within the context of the organization. It also includes requirements for the assessment and treatment of information security risks tailored to the needs of the organization. The requirements set out in ISO/IEC 27001:2013 are generic and are intended to be applicable to all organizations, regardless of type, size or nature.”, Definition, International Organization of Standardization, 2016, available online: .

[2] ISO 9001 “specifies requirements for a quality management system when an organization:

  1. a) needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, and
  2. b) aims to enhance customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system, including processes for improvement of the system and the assurance of conformity to customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.

All the requirements of ISO 9001 are generic and are intended to be applicable to any organization, regardless of its type or size, or the products and services it provides.”Definition, International Organization of Standardization, 2016, available online: .

Challenges of Integrated Management System Certifications – Interview PECB Europe – LIST – Labgroup

Discover soon the interview about the ” Challenges of Integrated Management Systems Certifications – Overview on the current challenges faced by organisations with Pierre Dewez, CEO PECB Europe, Sébastien Pineau, Lead Partnership Officer, LIST and Bernard Moreau, CEO Labgroup.


“Recherche d’urgence dirigeants pour mener à bien la transformation digitale”, Usine Digitale.

Découvrez l’article sur le sujet “Recherche d’urgence dirigeants pour mener à bien la transformation digitale“, paru le 03 octobre 2016 sur le site

Selon le baromètre pour le deuxième semestre de 2016 réalisé par Eurosearch et associés, l’intensité de la concurrence internationale est la première cause de transformation digitale pour 45% des entreprises, l’arrivée de produits innovants proposés par un concurrent arrive en deuxième place (44%) suivi par les changements réglementaires et de norme (33%) et le risque d’uberisation (21%). 37 % des PME-ETI estiment qu’elles vont devoir se transformer dans l’année qui vient. De plus les chefs d’entreprises interrogés par Eurosearch estiment qu’en moyenne pas moins de cinq fonctions classiques de l’entreprises sont touchées par la transformation actuelle.

Pour plus d’informations, veuillez consulter l’article complet. 

Labgroup, expert en gestion de documents et de données depuis 40 ans, vous accompagne dans tous vos projets de dématérialisation. Contactez-nous maintenant et profitez de nos nombreuses solutions.  

Copyright 2016 © Usine Digitale.

Archimag – L’Europe a émis 1,2 milliard de factures électroniques en 2015

Découvrez l’article sur le sujet “L’Europe a émis 1,2 milliard de factures électroniques en 2015”, paru le 22 septembre 2016 sur le site d’ 

La dématérialisation des factures dépasse le cap du milliard d’unités et fait un bond de 27 % en l’espace d’une année.

L’Europe de la dématérialisation est en marche. Le nombre de factures électroniques émises sur le continent européen a atteint le score historique de 1,252 milliard d’unités en 2015. Soit une croissance de 27 % par rapport à 2014 qui avait alors enregistré un volume de 985 millions de factures électroniques.

Selon l’EESPA, association des prestataires européens de e-facturation, cette croissance concerne tous les types de transaction. Les relations B2B (business to business) et B2G (business to government) constituent la part la plus importante du mouvement avec 766,89 millions de factures électroniques contre seulement 603 millions en 2013. Le segment B2C quant à lui a atteint 485,38 millions d’unités en 2015 soit une hausse de 33 % par rapport à 2014.

Pour plus d’informations, veuillez consulter l’article complet. 

Avez-vous un projet de facturation électronique en cours et cherchez un partenaire qui vous aide à sa mise en place? Labgroup peut vous accompagner dans votre projet et vous offre des solutions simples efficaces. 

Copyright 2016 © Archimag.

Archimag – Les 7 tendances de la dématérialisation

Découvrez l’article sur les 7 tendances de la dématérialisation, paru le 7 septembre 2016 sur le site d’ 

L’heure est à la dématérialisation. Que ce soit pour les entreprises, les administrations et les collectivités locales, la dématérialisation est un passage obligé. Dans ce paysage plusieurs tendances se dessinent. Nous en avons identifié sept.

Selon l’Archimag, les 7 tendances de la dématérialisation sont une politique favorable et l’État comme moteur, la volonté des entreprises, la globalisation des projets, l’intégration du Saas et du cloud, la mobilité grâce à la gestion électronique des documents, l’agilité et l’open source.

Pour plus d’informations, veuillez consulter l’article complet. 

Avez-vous un projet de dématérialisation en cours et cherchez un partenaire qui vous aide à sa mise en place? Labgroup est un expert pour tous les services de la dématérialisation et vous offre des solutions efficaces de bout en bout. 

Copyright 2016 © Archimag.

Cloud based Applications – Seven Compelling Benefits, by Corelynx INC

Discover the newest article about “Cloud based Applications – Seven Compelling Benefits” by Paul Anderson, Corelynx INC. 

The worldwide cloud computing market is expected to reach the milestone figure of $19.5 billion by 2016. That is approximately 36% compound annual growth rate.
– Forbes

Given this rapid growth in cloud computing, it becomes essential to learn what are the main factors that are driving the popularity of cloud based applications and cloud based software companies. Cloud based applications bring several benefits over to a business.

Here are the 7 top benefits:

1. Improved Security

The beginning of cloud computing trend saw data security as one of its major loopholes. Consequent of which, both large enterprises and small and medium-sized businesses were skeptical of using cloud based applications and chose to rather stick with server-based programs. However, as cloud computing evolved, the loophole of data security got accurately filled up.

Today by all means, cloud based applications are equally secure because of the huge amounts of money that cloud providers invest into securing their site-specific infrastructure. This averts any kind of loss, illegal procurement or other damage to data stored in the cloud. So unlike locally-hosted software that is always vulnerable to virus, data loss, identity theft, intellectual property theft and so on, cloud based applications face none of these. …

For further information, we invite you to read the full article 

Copyright 2016 © Corelynx INC.